Prime Voucher Application
This special voucher is provided exclusively to customers using the Sandoll Prime product, which is a product for companies with more than 300 employees. You can apply for the benefits listed below once during the product usage period.
Terms and Conditions
- This voucher is available only to customers using Sandoll Prime.
- The voucher can only be applied for by logging in with the account that purchased the Sandoll Prime product
- Each benefit can be used once during the product usage period. Any unused benefits will expire at the end of the product usage period.
- If the Prime product is extended, the same benefits can be used under the same conditions within the extended period (excluding Utoimage and UNIPOST).
- The provided benefits may change without prior notice. Benefits applied for before any changes will remain valid for one year from the date of application.
- For more information, please contact the SandollCloud customer service (1688-4001).