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SandollCloud without litigation

Font Use Range Integration Campaign

Now, anywhere
I want without limiting the range of font use!

Use fonts
anywhere you want without worrying about lawsuits.

Free font life
without restrictions on the range of fonts started by SandollCloud

Freely use the fonts
wherever you want!

Unlike other font services that had to check the range of use each time a font was used,
All fonts from all brands in SandollCloud
can be freely used anywhere you want without limiting the range of use.

Now, SandollCloud will change
the scary perception of fonts.

Fonts should be comfortable to use and you should be able to use them anywhere without any worries.

Do not check the font usage range every time.
Any product or brand of SandollCloud
is OK in all ranges of use!

*Excluding embedding and web fonts (requires a separate contract)

Branded Product

Individual/Retail Business


Companies with 300 or less

Life 20/50/100

Business with 300 or more


Special product

Strange Halloween night
Webtoon edition
An editing edition

Individual product

Sandoll GyeokdongGothic
Typo Cholatse
HGG Gothicssi
Simple, right?

creates a free font life
without worrying about litigation.

SandollCloud’s 14-Day free trial

Try Trial