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Jikji is named after <Jikji Simche Yojeol> Jikji Simche Yojeol, a World Heritage Site, is the world's first book made with metal type. We want to provide a variety of beautiful premium fonts by inheriting the noble spirit and technology of printing the world's first metal type book.
Dinamo is a Swiss type design agency offering retail and bespoke typefaces, design software, research and consultancy. Dinamo have spaces in Basel & Berlin, and satellite members in several locations more.
TypeType is an international font design studio founded in 2013. The studio designs typefaces and provides customization, mastering, and other services. The TypeType collection features 75+ commercial typefaces of various kinds: display, text, serif, sans serif, handwritten, slab, outline, and monospaced. Fonts made by the studio are used by companies all over the world. TypeType fonts regularly win top awards at major competitions, such as Red Dot, Granshan, Muse, Workspace, Indigo, and more.
Better fonts for Better designs. Hellofont empowers designers with variety of high quality Chinese typefaces, together with a swift tool, inspiring contents and active community.
Joonfont is the only font company in Busan that combines the latest technologies with Korean design to create characters that users lack or need.
How to enjoy new fonts! design210 Design210 is creating a unique wind in the domestic font market. We are creating a new culture in the type market. Meet 210 fonts with a special feel, the number one self-produced font.
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요즘 핫한 영상에서 자주 보이는 폰트는?
'인기 급상승 동영상', 유튜브 성공의 가장 큰 지표 중 하나이죠. 산돌구름에서 '인급동'에 올라간 영상들의 썸네일을 분석해보았는데요. 이외의 트렌드도 있었습니다. 자세한 내용은 영상으로 만나보세요. -
2025 디자인 트렌드 살펴보기
2025년 디자인 트렌드는 어떤 모습일까요? 2025년 정말 다양한 요소들이 디자인 트렌드로 언급되고 있는데요. 그중에서도 산돌이 주목하는 몇 가지 주요 트렌드에 대해 다채로운 이야기를 나누어 보았습니다. 앞으로 눈여겨봐야 할 디자인 트렌드, 지금 바로 확인해 보세요!
[Interview] A story between 3 and 9
Designer Soohyun Park talks about 「SD Jeongche」
This Year's Hottest Fonts VS Next Year's Game-Changing Fonts
Which fonts captured the most love throughout 2024? And what exciting new fonts are set to launch in 2025? Find out all the details in our video!
[Interview] The Choice of Designers Worldwide! TypeType
One of the World’s Top 50 Fonts Now Offered on SandollCloud!
「SD Cosmo」, a new font with retro-futurism sensibility
If you're curious about 「SD Cosmo」 that contains the sensibility of "retro-futurism" beyond Y2K and retro in the circulating trend?
Customer Support
More - Temporary Closure Notice: Customer Support Unavailable on January 27th (Monday) / Lunar New Year Holiday 2025.01.24
- Notice: Launch of New SD Sandoll Jeongche and Updates to Existing Jeongche (2025.01.16) 2025.01.16
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- [Notice] SKT mobile phone identity verification service will be temporarily suspended (12/24, 1/7, 1/17) 2024.12.23
- [Notice] Announcement of Ziwoosoft Product Changes 2024.11.27